Monday, March 17, 2008

Any Day!

Last week, our doctor said that Hope could deliver anytime now. Little Benjamin (is that the name, I dunno, it did win the most votes in our poll!) weighed 7 lbs. 8 oz. with three weeks to go! So he is gonna be a big boy if Hope carries to term. She is hoping she doesn't! So any advice you have for helping along the delivery process, please let us know!
I started spring break this week and planned four days of fishing! Yeah! I went out yesterday with two guys who had never really been fishing. But we caught two spoonbill and a carp in 2 1/2 hours. So that was good. Then today, I woke up and the weather had gone foul. So I had to cancel todays trip. Boo! So I am praying for no rain on Wednesday and Thursday!
I also just got Super Smash Bros. Brawl for my Wii. So if there are any enthusiasts who would like to play online, just make the challenge and I am there!
We have another doctors appointment on Wednesday, so we will see where we are then!


Corrie said...

Hooray for babies, fish, and wiis!

Nice look for the blog as well :) very nice.

I can't wait to see you guys! I know that's all I ever say, but it's true! I'll pray that the weather is nice so you can catch some more fish.. do you eat them?

Lyra said...

She needs to drink raspberry leaf tea. I drank it before I had Shea, and went into labor 10 days early. I think I still have some, actually. I'll bring it to you guys on Sunday!

the Pie family said...

all i can suggest is walk and walk some more....that will move things right along. jog if you have to! wes, you shouldnt be fishing if your wife is about to deliver. we wouldnt want you smelling like fish in the event that you have to RUSH to the hospital. :) have fun and enjoy every moment!